The Superintendence of Companies, through its External Circular No. 100-000003 of April 23, 2024 (hereinafter the “Circular”), extended the deadlines for the Chambers of Commerce and Foreign Non-Profit Entities (in its acronym in Spanish “ESALs”) to implement the Integral Self-Control and Risk Management System of money laundering, terrorism financing and financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (hereinafter SAGRILAFT) and Business Transparency and Ethics Programs (hereinafter PTEE). The new deadlines is 31 May 2025.
The Chambers of Commerce and the Foreign ESALs have until 31 May 2025 and not until 31 August 2024 to implement a PTEE and a SAGRILAFT under the conditions established in Chapters X and XIII of the Basic Legal Circular of the Superintendence of Companies.
Once the above deadline has been met, the Chambers of Commerce and Foreign ESALs must implement their SAGRILAFT and PTEE no later than May 31 following their creation.
The Superintendence of Companies will provide the necessary mechanisms for attention, training and support to guide the right implementation of the SAGRILAFT and PTEE.
Do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions or require our advice.
For more details regarding the obligation of Chambers of Commerce and Foreign ESALs to implement a SAGRILAFT and PTEE, please consult this link. The Circular can be consulted at this link.
Click here to read the Spanish version.
Angelica Navarro
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