In brief
On 15 March 2024, Ministerial Resolution No. 000069-2024-PRODUCE was published, approving the Annual Plan for Environmental Assessment and Control (PLANEFA) for the fisheries subsector and the aquaculture subsector of the Ministry of Production for the year 2025.
The PLANEFA is a planning instrument through which each Environmental Audit Entity (EFA) schedules the environmental audit actions to be carried out during the corresponding calendar year. This plan is essential to strengthen coordination between the Peruvian Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Authority (OEFA) and the EFAs in the formulation, execution and evaluation of their respective environmental auditing plans.
The objective of PLANEFA 2025 is to reduce the incidence of fishing activities that involve the extraction, landing, transport and commercialization of hydrobiological resources at sizes smaller than those established in Metropolitan Lima. This will be achieved through enforcement actions to promote environmental protection, conservation and sustainable use of hydrobiological resources in the development of fishing activities.
Programming of environmental enforcement actions
Within the framework of PLANEFA 2025, enforcement actions and administrative sanctions will be taken against any natural or legal person that carries out fishing activities in areas of extraction, landing, transport and commercialization of hydrobiological resources in smaller sizes in Metropolitan Lima.
If alleged infractions related to undersized hydrobiological resources are found during inspections in Metropolitan Lima, sanctions and corrective measures established in the Regulation of Inspection and Sanction of Fishing and Aquaculture Activities will be applied.
PLANEFA 2025 will be implemented by the General Directorate of Supervision, Enforcement and Sanctions (DGSFS-PA) of the Vice-Ministerial Office of Fisheries and Aquaculture, through the Directorate of Supervision and Enforcement and the Directorate of Sanctions.
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@2024 Estudio Echecopar
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