A repeat offender, Craig Callaway, 64, known for his influential role in Atlantic City politics, faces fresh charges of election fraud. His prowess in delivering absentee ballots, often swaying election outcomes, has now led to his arrest on Thursday. Charged with fraudulent manipulation of ballots, Callaway stands accused of undermining the integrity of New Jersey’s electoral process, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Attorney Megan Davies refrained from immediate comment as she entered the courtroom. Prosecutors allege that Callaway’s associates paid individuals to pose as messengers for absentee voters, only to collect and manipulate the ballots themselves. These ballots, many confirmed as unauthorized, were still counted in the election. This isn’t Callaway’s first brush with the law; previously imprisoned for bribery and orchestrating a sex sting against a political rival, he now faces a potential maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
By FCCT Editorial Team