Euronews has alerted the public to another instance of fake news involving a fabricated report about a Ukrainian official’s cryptocurrency links. The false video, presented as a doctored BBC report, claims that Andriy Yermak, Head of the Office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, hid “€100 million in a cryptocurrency wallet” following a Binance cyberattack. Euronews emphasizes that it never conducted such an investigation, and the video has been digitally altered, employing Euronews’ graphics and logo without permission. The network is actively working to remove the video from all platforms and investigating its source.
This manipulation tactic aligns with a broader trend seen since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, where propagandists use digital alterations to spread misinformation, often targeting Ukraine and its government. By appropriating graphics and logos from reputable news outlets like Euronews, propagandists aim to lend a false sense of legitimacy to their disinformation. This incident is not the first time Euronews’ branding has been misused for spreading false narratives; similar instances occurred in August 2023 and October 2022.
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